Check out the Slatest for Grace YouTube Channel for the latest devotions, livestreams, theological dives into scripture, and more! Plus, check out our Missions Moments, so you can see how the top 10% of all of your financial giving is poured into other non-proft organizations in the Knoxville area!
Here’s a glimpse of some SfG YouTube devotions for your day…
Jesus Understands Difficult Families: A Brief, Deep-Dive into Matthew 12:50
Did you know Jesus had brothers and sisters? Well… half-siblings, that is. Same mom. Different dad. 😉 Scripture gives us more to say about Jesus’ family dynamics than you may realize, and it wasn’t easy.
For more videos like this, check out the Slated for Grace Scripture Cards 2025 playlist.
Do You Want to be Healed… Really? Thoughs on John 5
Jesus heals in all kinds of ways and situations. In John 5, we see him walk up to a man who needs to be healed; but first, Jesus asks, “Do you want to be healed?” Interesting… isn’t the answer obvious? Let’s dive in and see.
For other videos like this, check out the Drive-Time Devotions playlist
SfG Interviews The Empty Cup
Meet Coby… She runs a coffee shop that has become a safe haven (and a church) for many, including the foster care community of Knoxville, TN. Plus, try the chai tea latte, and your life will be forever changed. 🙂
Ten percent of everything given to SfG Ministries goes directly back into the local community. For more videos like this, check out the Monthly Missions Moments playlist.
Have a theological topic or question about scripture? Let us know and we might make it our next video!