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Captured: Following Jesus by Taking Hold of Our Thoughts
Did you know you’re living an entire life no one else can see? Yup, it’s the life happening in your mind. No doubt, our “thought life” can get away from us. We can spiral. We can dwell. We can grow bitterness or deceit. Indeed, our minds can take us down paths we were never intended to go!
How do we take control of our minds so that we can better love God, love others, and love ourselves? Get ready to “…take captive every thought…” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals. Study at your own pace!
The F Words: Breaking the Chains of Fear, Failure, & Feeling Forsaken
What if the “F-word” we most often think of isn’t actually the worst one?! There are far greater “F words” wreaking havoc on our minds, hearts, and souls. In three sessions, we will dive into the life of Simon Peter, a faithful disciple of Jesus who wrestled with fear, failure, and feeling forsaken; and yet, over the course of his journey with Jesus, we will watch him be transformed. (That transformation wasn’t just for him. It’s for you and me, too, friend.)
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals. Study at your own pace!
UNSHAKEN: Five Biblical Women Who Stood Firm in a Fragile World
This 5-week study explores the lives of the five women in the genealogy of Jesus. This is a great study for the Advent season! We will dig deep into the pain, the courage, and the faith of these incredible women.
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, diving deep into the accounts of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Uriah’s Wife (Bathsheba), and Mary. Study at your own pace!
Two Kingdoms: Living on Earth as Citizens of Heaven
As followers of the Lord God, we live in two kingdoms. We live in a kingdom of earth – in a nation or country… with laws and policies… with kings, presidents, prime ministers, and government officials. And yet, there’s another kingdom. As Jesus proclaimed, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” meaning “It’s already here.”
So… how do we live in a world that calls us to “pledge allegiance” to an earthly kingdom, while also called by the Lord God to fully devote our lives to the ways of HIM?!
This 6-session study will dive into the very beginning of God’s formation of Israel, travel through the kings of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, journey into Jesus’ words about the Kingdom of God, and help us connect the Spirit’s work in the early church to us, as believers, today.
* Each session of this 6-session series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals.
Towers: A Study in Humility
It began with the Tower of Babel, and it continues today. We live in a world drenched in the temptation to “make a name for ourselves” (Genesis 11:4)… but, how does that align with the command to “walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8)?
This 6-session study will explore the historical accounts of David, Naaman, Nebuchadnezzar, John the baptist, and more… as we journey to discover the humble ways of Jesus and become more like him.
* Each session of this 6-session series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals.
Church Words: Concepts We’ve Always Heard… But Don’t Really Understand
Have you ever noticed how following Jesus comes with its own language? When we become Christians, we suddenly start hearing words like conversion, disciple, Body of Christ, repentance… and the list goes on and on. This 5-Week study covers concepts we’ve heard in church all our lives, but do we really understand what they mean?
In every weekly video and every daily devotional, we will explore the meaning of a word you may have heard a zillion times… but, hopefully this time, you’ll grow in your confidence of what it really means in your walk with Christ.
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, as we grow in the confidence to talk about our faith!
He Will Be PRAISED! Understanding the Book of Psalms
Explore the longest book in our scriptures in this 6-session study. Maxing out at 150 chapters, the book of Psalms spans 1,000 years of history and is actually five books in one. Get ready for lots of wisdom, lots of laments, and lots of PRAISE!
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, as we seek to better know the God who deserves all honor, glory, and praise!
[Not Quite] Scripture: What We Think the Bible Says… But It Really Doesn’t
Whether you are a new believer or you’ve been studying the scriptures for years, this 3-session study is a fun way to help us critically think about common phrases, verses, and facts we assume are biblical… but we may not have them quite right.
Every video and devotional covers a different phrase, verse, or fact, so make sure you check in everyday… or make sure you go back and read or watch what you miss!
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, as we seek to better understand what the Lord God is saying to us through His Word!
Seeds: Planting God’s Purposes into Everyday Life
This 6-week study covers the theme of ‘seeds’, from Genesis to Revelation, in order to reconnect us to the purpose God planted within humanity from the very beginning. (I promise, his purpose for you will apply to every area of your life… even the laundry.)
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, as we seek to reclaim God’s plans for us in our day-to-day lives. Study at your own pace!
Seven: Signs of Jesus in the Gospel of John
This 7-week study walks through John’s Gospel (the gospel unlike any other) to connect the incredible works of Jesus to his divinity as the Son of God and Savior of the world.
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, exploring the powerful miracles that confirm Jesus as the Christ. Study at your own pace!
Unashamed: Six Biblical Women Whose Brokenness Turned to Blessing
This 6-week study explores six biblical women whose stories of deep woundedness and shame were turned into mighty blessing by the God who created them for a purpose.
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, diving deep into the accounts of women in the Old and New Testaments. Study at your own pace!
Sustained: The God Who Prepares & Provides
Jesus commands us not to worry… but don’t we need to prepare ourselves for whatever may come?! This 2-week study dives into the God who prepares and provides.
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, diving deep into numerous books throughout the Old and New Testaments. Study at your own pace!
Christians in CHAOS: A Study in 1st Corinthians
Join us on a 15-Session journey into the city of Corinth with Paul, as we seek to answer this age-old question, “How do we live like followers of Jesus in a secular world?”
* Each Session of this series includes one weekly video (15ish minutes) and six daily devotionals, diving deep into the sixteen chapters of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth. Study at your own pace!